Brunson's 2009

Brunson's 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My First Blog

Alright people, I've been talking about doing this forever, and now I've finally done it. I've started a blog. I love looking at all my cousins' blogs and they've inspired me to start my own. That, and Zach's leaving for Iraq and I thought this might be a nice way for him to see and hear what we've been up to. So, this is it for now, but stay tuned...


  1. yes, welcome to the blogging world. I look forward to many more posts!

  2. We dyers blog. Can't you tell?
    Happy new year.

  3. Hooray! I love to read my family's Blogs! I am excited to get into the mind and life of the wonderful Jaclyn Brunson!

  4. Yeah, yeah, another cousin in!!! I love it! How long will Zack be gone?
