Brunson's 2009

Brunson's 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Brunson Family New Year's Resolutions

Nine years ago, I made a resolution to date a guy for more than 2 weeks. As a result, I got engaged (then un-engaged) to a guy a never would have dated more than twice had I not made that goal. Ever since then, I have been anti-resolution. But this year, I had a change of heart. So this is the 2009 Brunson Family Resolutions.

Cairo: To learn to walk and get more teeth.

Lleida: To spell her name without help and get big enough to ride the bus.

Jaclyn: Buy (and wear) a pair of 5 inch heels.

Zach: Not get blown up or shot.

Yes, this goals are impressive, but I think we can keep them.


  1. I was just telling Jon about that guy yesterday! (we were discussing some people's needs of big flashy diamonds). Do you remember how he and B said they were boyfriend in laws? Funny how neither of those guys worked out for us, but we totally upgraded! Yeah us! I like your new years resolutions. Sevy's is to get potty trained. That's all we're shooting for!

  2. yes, these are great goals! I'm also loving the the fur shot. It makes it really cool that your little guy has drool coming out of his cute little mouth.
